Ph.D., Sociology
Professor, Faculty of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University
Urban Sociology
Research Theme
Urban poverty and social exclusion.
The restructuring of social structure for relationship of center and periphery area in Japan
Recent Works
Yamaguchi, Keiko, 2020, “Considering the City from the Perspective of the Urban Bottom: Focusing on the Homelessness,” Tamano, Kazushi ed., For Studiers of Urban Sociology, Kyoto: Sekaishisousya, pp. 176-191.
Yamaguchi, Keiko & Aoki, Hideo eds., 2020, Urban Poverty in Globalization: International Comparison of Homelessness in 4 Global Cities, Kyoto: Minerubasyobou.
Yamaguchi, Keiko, 2020, “Social Infrastructure for Community Unions in Tohoku,” Moon, Jong Sil ed., Community Union: Labor Movement for Constructing Society, Kyoto: Shouraisya, pp. 145-176.