MIYABE, Takashi
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
The Center for Shin Buddhist Studies
Field of study
Historical Sociology
Sociology of Religion
Research interest
My main research areas are historical sociology and sociology of religion.
Currently, I try to show the process of the transformation of the religious organization in the case of Pure Land sect. I'm interested in the relationship between social theory and theology.
TAKASHI MIYABE "The Rationalization of a Religious Group and the Reformation of the Theo
-logy", Riron to Dotai, Institute of Social Theory and Dynamics, no. 14, 66-81, 2021
TAKASHI MIYABE "The Contradiction between Belief and Reiligious Institution: Focusing on
the Otani-ha Reform Movement in Post-War Japan," Nenpo Syakaigaku Ronsyu, 34, 167-77, 2021
TAKASHI MIYABE “The Relationship between the Popular and the Religion in Post-War Japanese Society:Reconsidering Takagi Hiroo’s Religious Studies,” Gendai Syakaigaku Riron Kenkyu, no.15, pp. 111-23, 2021