ASAKAWA, Tatsuto
Affiliation & Position
Professor, Waseda University
Field of study
Urban Sociology
Social Survey
Research Interest
(1)social space structure analysis
(2)Food Deserts problem research
(3)disaster area recovery support activities,
(4)urban space and inequality research
(5)outcome and formation process of urban planning system
(6)Traffic impact and structural changes of urban and local society,
(7)Youth Leadership Project for the Multicauturalization of Japan, (8)sustainable community development research
(9)interpersonal aid research
Tatsuto ASAKAWA, After 25 years of Tsunami Affected areas Caused by East Japan Great Eathquake - A Study Using Population Analysis and Population Prediction Program, Bulletin of Institute of Sociology and Social Work, Meiji Gakuin University, No.47, 2017, pp.159-168
Tatsuto ASAKAWA Changes in the Socio-Spatial Structure in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area: Social Area Analysis of Changes from 1990 to 2010, Development and Society, Vol. 45, No. 3, 2016, pp.537-562
Tatsuto ASAKAWA, et al. Food Deserts Issues in a Local City: Empirical Study in a Local City that is Composed of Urban and Rural Area, The Annal of Japan Association for Urban Sociology, no.34, 2016, pp.93-105
Asakawa Labo: