Affiliation and Position
Ph.D., Human Sciences
Meio University
Okinawa studies
Gender studies
Research interest
I have been researching on Okinawa studies focusing on gender and sexuality, specifically the problems of Japanese military "comfort women" and the problems of sexual violence by US soldiers.
Fukuko, Tamashiro, “Plurality of Toroidal Island and Positionality: In connection with the Assertion of Relocation of US Military Base from Okinawa to Japanese Mainland”,Social Theory and Dynamics, No12.,pp.41-58, 2019.
Fukuko, Tamashiro, "Remembering the Battle of Okinawa, Forgetting the Comfort Women",Kazue Muta and Beverley Anne Yamamoto ed., The Gender Politics of War Memory: Asia-Pacific and Beyond, Osaka University Press, pp.95-113, 2012.
Fukuko, Tamashiro, “The Borders of Compassion regarding the Victims of the Battle of Okinawa : Aspects of the Descriptions of Japanese Military Comfort Women and Comfort Stations in Local History Book”,Kansai Socioligical Review, No.10, pp.122-134, 2011.s