JSPS Research Fellow (PD), National Museum of Ethnology
Feild of Study
African Studies (East African urban life). Theoretical background are Sociology and Social Anthropology. disalibity, social welfare, south-south relationships
Research Interest
On urban life of the physically impaired people, or the disabled people, in Tanzania and other East African countries.
And also, on non-governmental care providers for the disabled people in East Africa.
Recent Works
YUKIE NAKAO “Urban Poverty in Contemporary Africa and the Economy of Affection,” Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Africa Moral Economy with Professor Goran Hyden (Kindai University), pp.92-98, 2017
YUKIE NAKAO “Aging and Social Problems in Tanzania, a Demographically Young Country in Africa” Proceedings of the 8th Next Generation Global Workshop (Kyoto University Asian Studies Unit), pp.115-129, 2015
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