

      Researcher, Institute of Social Theory and Dynamics




        Research of “Manchuria settlement””Manshu-imin”, Historical sociology



    Research Theme


        The People who experienced “Manchuria settlement” (“Manshu-imin”) didn’t remember the racial conflicts between them and the native people, because the settlements were divided from local economy. They remembered the wartime sexual violence after the invasion by Soviet Union as the savageness of the soldiers of Soviet Union. Actually, some Manchuria settlers raped female settlers. And the leaders of the settler team supplied the rape offender with the unmarried females in order to guard their settlement teams. The people who experienced Manchuria settlement didn’t remember the Japanese rape offenders and collaborators, but they remembered the wartime sexual violence as if it were “accidents”.

 After ‘2000s, they became to remember and witness the racial conflicts and the Japanese rape offenders and collaborators. How is this change of the narratives is influenced by the witnesses of war victims (e.g. “comfort women”) in East Asia and the generational change of the people who experienced Manchuria settlement ? How does the change influence the inheritance of experiences of Manchuria settlement? That is my recent research theme.





  INOMAYA  Yusuke. 2015.  “Transcending of Homosocial Collective Memory of War: A case study of Wartime Sexual Violence against the Women of Japanese Emigrants to Manchuria”.  The Journal of Military History(“Gunjishigaku”).  vol.51 (2): 94-115.