Chikushi Jogakuen University
Historical Sociology, Feminist Theory
Research Theme
For my Master’s Course in Graduate School I described the genealogy
of the concept of ‘sexual violence’, the counter concept towards
sexual discrimination in society, with a focus on Japanese feminist
movements. Then during my Doctoral Course I looked into the
tendency for Japanese ‘comfort women’ not to be recognized as
‘victims’ in the ‘comfort women’ issue. I analyzed a characteristic in
modern society that sees the category of the ‘nation’ as superior to
any other factor, such as class in defining oneself as a social entity.
Recent Works
Kinoshita, Naoko, 2013a, “Japanese Feminism concerning Japanese
‘Comfort Women’ Victims: Focusing on the Ūman Ribu Movement and
Related Texts during the 1970s,” Jung Keun Sik and Akiko Naono
eds., 20th Century East Asia Readings from Memories and
Representations, Kyungin, 97-129.
Kinoshita, Naoko, 2013b, “Reconsidering Discourses on ’Comfort
Women’: Concerning the Japanese ‘Comfort Women’s’ Victimhood,”
Doctoral Dissertation proposed to Faculty of Social and Cultural
Studies, Kyushu University.
Kinoshita, Naoko, 2011a, “For the sake of Encounters with Japanese
‘Comfort Women’ Victims,” Iwasaki Minoru, Chen Kuan-Hsing and
Yoshimi Shunya eds., Cultural Studies de Yomitoku Asia, Serica
Shobo, 108-31.
Kinoshita, Naoko, 2011b, “Victimization of Japanese ‘Comfort
Women’: Opinions and Redress Movements in the Early 1990s,” The
Tokai Foundation for Gender Studies ed., Gender Studies, The Tokai
Foundation for Gender Studies, (14): 89-113.
Kinoshita, Naoko, 2009, “The Issue of Private Shelters which
Supported DV Victims: Focusing on the Statements of Objections from
Users,” Nihon Joseigaku Kenkyukai ed., Joseigaku Nenpou, (30): 43-